When you are shopping for a wedding dress, you may experience a roller coaster of emotions. From excitement to anxiety to confidence to self-consciousness to open-mindedness to determination, and then, aside from that crazy ride, you have to wonder: Will my family like my wedding dress taste? Is it going to look good with the setting of my venue? Is it too extra? Is it too plain? How much is gonna be? Yikes! And I’m sure you can think of so much more!
Although every bride’s experience may be different, it should always be fun and special. I don’t want you to ever say, “I just want it to be over.” No, please. This is the time of your life, and I’m sure you’ve been looking forward to it, so how can you make the most of it?
1. The Right Mindset
What we think we become. Isn’t that deep? The moment we think we’re not good enough or incapable of achieving certain things in life, we fail. My purpose here is not to explain how to achieve success, but to show you how your thoughts can greatly impact your process of choosing your wedding gown and everything else involved with planning your wedding.
OK, it’s not always easy to be optimistic, but what happens if we start changing our negative thoughts towards ourselves AND others to positive ones? Our worry, stress, overthinking, and confusion will be released and we will be able to relax, enjoy the process, and become more confident in ourselves.
Take a look at these examples of turning the bad into something good:

What a difference! Having the right thoughts and making positive statements gives you a different perspective, it’s easier to digest, and it boosts your motivation. It’s like wearing pink glasses! While you won’t always get it right, adding a little color to the gray of our thinking can make a big difference.
2. Self-Love
Considering everyone has different experiences, not every bride will deal with the same issues, but there is one truth, and that is that you must see your own beauty. Even if others or especially your FI say cute things about you, if you do not believe them and do not know the truth about yourself, then you will very likely become your own worst enemy. In this case, it’s not an enemy with malicious intention to harm you, but rather one who unconsciously compares with others, aspires to be like another person, procrastinates, and practices habits that undermine your goals.
Then, do not be your enemy, be your first best friend. Love YOU, care about YOU, work on YOU.
Start small. It can be challenging to change your thinking and adopt new habits, but once you get started, you’ll find the journey easier and your self-confidence will increase.
Showing us some love can be as simple as:

As you prepare for your BIG day, I hope you incorporate at least some of these tips, and that the journey to do so will be enjoyable. External care is essential, but what we let into our souls and hearts makes the biggest difference. Embrace yourself every day.
3. Planning Baby
OK, none of this seems to be bridal for you? It is! Our team has seen so many brides struggling, having a hard time, feeling worthless, thinking their FI won’t love their wedding dress, and that’s very sad. That’s why we’re here to help you, so let’s talk more specifically about how to plan for the wedding dress in order to keep on top of it without making it your primary focus while enjoying yourself with your other half and keeping planning!
The dress first or after?
There are two options, you choose which one feels more comfortable to you. First, you are engaged! Ahhh, I know there is so much to plan, so if you start with the dress, everything can go from there, meaning that depending on your dress color, silhouette, style, etc. You may be inspired to consider the other aspects of your wedding planning process, such as the venue, the color palette, your bridesmaids’ dresses, etc. Alternatively, if you’ve almost decided on your venue, decor, colors, etc., so now you’d like everything to fit together, you’ll start browsing gowns that suit your overall vibe. Suppose you’re having a beach wedding and you keep in mind that your dress needs to be lightweight and breathable. Also, a ball gown won’t be appropriate. This will help you narrow down your style options by brainstorming, considering, and discarding.
How much time do I need?
Ideally, you should begin your search for your wedding dress 12 months in advance, so you’ll have time to explore your options, have the store place an order for you, and then have the tailor alter your dress.
Alterations is a must
Yes, you can have the most beautiful gown but what if it doesn’t fit you? or if it doesn’t let you walk?
Basic alterations include hemming, tailoring, and bustling, and also keep in mind that if you need to make major changes to your gown, more time and money may be required.
How much would all of this cost?
It depends on what you are looking for, but I can tell you you can find almost many options available on the market. This isn’t a random day or a random 4 hours, so whatever you choose, be sure you feel happy with your decision, regardless of how high or low you go.
Some suggestions to come up with a budget are:
- Browse online to see how much the gowns you seem to be drawn cost.
- Basic alterations cost around $500 and can reach $1000 in some cases.
- Come up with an estimated number and try to stick to it. Sometimes you can find a beautiful gown in good condition at a sale and save a lot of money. Sometimes you find a gown that’s over your budget but you’re deeply in love with and you have to think about it very carefully and explore your options in those cases. E.g. We remember one bride adored her dress so much she didn’t want it off! Unfortunately, it was a little over her budget, but she knew it was the dress for her! Taking her phone, she began calling a few guests and telling them, “I’m sorry you’re not invited”. AH? Yeah, we were surprised too.
4. Decision Making
It is not easy to make a decision on a gown, not only because there are many options out there, but also because it is a significant investment. When you say yes to the dress do it because you’re confident and you don’t see other dress saying I do in.
In case you experience second thoughts after purchasing it, remember why you fell in love with it in the first place. However, if that doesn’t convince you, trust your instincts.
The secret to finding the perfect dress begins with having the right thoughts about you and what’s around you. Don’t let anyone or anything ruin your moment, and be at peace with yourself and others. It is the most important day of your life, and there’s nothing wrong with wanting the best or being minimalist.
And you? What are some of the things you’ve taken for granted?